The redundancy problem of lossy source coding with abstract source and repr
oduction alphabets is considered. For coding at a fixed rate level, it is s
hown that for any fixed rate R > 0 and any memoryless abstract alphabet sou
rce P satisfying some mild conditions, there exists a sequence {Cn}(n=1)(in
finity) of block codes at the rate R such that the distortion redundancy of
C-n (defined as the difference between the performance of C-n and the dist
ortion rate function d(P, R) of P] is upper-bounded by \partial derivative
d(P, R)/partial derivative R\ ln n/2n + o (In n/n), For coding at a fixed d
istortion level, it is demonstrated that for any d > 0 and any memoryless a
bstract alphabet source P satisfying some mild conditions, there exists a s
equence {C-n}(n=1)(infinity) of block codes at the fixed distortion d such
that the rate redundancy of C-n, (defined as the difference between the per
formance of C-n and the rate distortion function R(P, d) of P) is upper-bou
nded by (7 ln n)/(6n) + o(ln n/n). These results strengthen the traditional
Berger's abstract alphabet source coding theorem, and extend the positive
redundancy results of Zhang, Yang, and Wei on lossy source coding with fini
te alphabets and the redundancy result of Wyner on block coding of memoryle
ss Gaussian sources.