Aim-To examine strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for specific antifungal fa
Methods-Two clinical strains of P aeruginosa with strong in vitro inhibitio
n (by cross streak assay) of Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus wer
e examined. Both strains were isolated from sputum-one from a patient with
cystic fibrosis and one from a patient with bronchiectasis. Bacterial extra
cts were fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography and examine
d by ultraviolet absorbance and mass spectroscopy. Antifungal activity agai
nst C albicans and A fumigatus was determined in a well plate assay.
Results-Pyocyanin was the major antifungal agent of P aeruginosa; 1-hydroxy
phenazine also possessed activity. Pyocyanin MICs for C albicans and A fumi
gatus were > 64 mu g/ml. These phenazines were active against nine other ye
ast species pathogenic for man. Preliminary experiments also suggested poss
ible inhibition of yeast mycelial transformation in C albicans by pyocyanin
Conclusions-There may be a role for pyocyanin and 1-hydroxyphenazine in the
prevention of pulmonary candidiasis in patients colonised by P aeruginosa.