Due to the hazardous implications of releasing CFCs into the environment, s
tudies on their thermal destruction are necessary. The use of incineration
to destroy these compounds, while effective, have produced polychlorinated
dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) while releasin
g large amounts of corrosive HCl and HF. The ChemChar gasification process
was evaluated for its ability to destroy two CFCs, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-tr
ifluoroethane (CFC-113) and dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-13). It was found
that DRE values of > 99.9998 % are obtained for the destruction of 1,1,2-tr
ichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane while not producing any PCDD/PCDF. Additional
ly, the chloride (as the potassium salt) and fluoride (as carbon-fluoride)
that result from the destruction of both CFCs are retained in the gasificat
ion system. This study illustrates that the ChemChar gasification process h
olds significant promise as an alternative to incineration for the safe and
complete destruction of CFCs.