The movement of both essential and non-essential trace elements through agr
icultural ecosystems and food chains is a complex phenomenon. Such elements
as As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, U, V, and Zn, are generally present
in soils in low concentrations but concentrations may be elevated because o
f natural processes and human activities, such as fossil fuel combustion, m
ining, smelting, sludge amendment to soil, fertilizer application, and agri
cultural practices. Although a significant effort has been expended over th
e past 40 years to evaluate and quantify the transfer of trace elements fro
m soils to plants, more attention needs to be given to mechanisms within th
e soil and plant systems, which influence their solubility, chemical specia
tion, mobility, and uptake by and transport in plants. The prediction of mo
vement of trace elements in the agricultural ecosystem must be partially ba
sed on understanding the soil and plant processes governing chemical form a
nd the uptake and behavior of trace elements within plants.