Wadi Moghara, Egypt, is an early Miocene fossil locality with a mammalian f
auna that includes Prohylobates tandyi, one of the earliest known represent
atives of the Cercopithecoidea. Faunal correlations were conducted between
Moghara, Gebel Zelten (Libya) and a series of East African fossil sites wit
h established radiometric dates in order to estimate the age of the Moghara
mammals, including P. tandyi. Results confirm hypotheses proposed in some
previous studies that: (1) Moghara is about 18-17 Ma, approximately the sam
e age as the Hiwegi fauna from Rusinga Island (Kenya); (2) Moghara is sligh
tly older than Gebel Zelten (Libya) (17-15 Ma); and (3) the cercopithecoid
tooth presently identified as Victoriapithecus sp. from Napak V (ca. 19 Ma)
is currently the oldest known record of a fossil Old World monkey, followe
d by P. tandyi from Moghara (Egypt) (18-17 Ma) and Prohylobates sp. from Bu
luk (Kenya) (>17.2 Ma), P. simonsi from Gebel Zelten (Libya) (ca. 17-15 Ma)
, and V. macinnesi from Maboko (Kenya) (ca. 16-14.7 Ma). (C) 1999 Academic