We previously showed that plasma cholesterol levels decreased following ing
estion of a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) mixture composed of sodium salts
of acetic, propionic, and butyric acids simulating cecal fermentation produ
cts of sugar-beet fiber (SBF). In the present study, we investigated whethe
r hepatic and small intestinal cholesterol synthesis is involved in the cho
lesterol-lowering effects of SCFA and SBF. In vitro (expt. 1) and in vivo (
expt. 2) cholesterol synthesis rates and the diurnal pattern of SCFA concen
trations in portal plasma (expt. 3) were studied in three separate experime
nts in rats fed diets containing the SCFA mixture, SBF(100 g/kg diet), or t
he fiber-free control diet. Cholesterol synthesis was measured using (H2O)-
H-3 as a tracer. The in vitro rate of cholesterol synthesis, measured using
liver slices, was greater in the SBF group, but not in the SCFA group, tha
n in the fiber-free control group. In contrast, the hepatic cholesterol syn
thesis rate in vivo was lower in the SCFA group, but not in the SBF group,
than in the control group. The mucosal cholesterol synthesis rate for the w
hole small intestine was <50% of the hepatic rate. The rate in the proximal
region was slightly but significantly lower in the SCFA group, and was sig
nificantly higher in the SBF group than in the fiber-free group. The rate i
n the distal small intestines was also significantly greater in the SBF gro
up than in the fiber-free group. Plasma total cholesterol concentrations we
re lower in the SCFA and SBF groups than in the fiber-free group in both ex
periments 2 and 3. Diurnal changes in portal SCFA and cholesterol levels we
re studied in the experiment 3. SCFA concentrations increased rapidly after
the start of feeding the SCFA diet, and changes in plasma cholesterol were
the reciprocal of those observed in SCFA. These results show that a decrea
se in hepatic cholesterol synthesis rate mainly contributes to the lowering
of plasma cholesterol in rats fed the SCFA mixture diet. Changes in portal
SCFA and cholesterol concentrations support this conclusion. In SBF-fed ra
ts, SCFA produced by cecal fermentation are possibly involved in lowering p
lasma cholesterol levels by negating the counteractive induction of hepatic
cholesterol synthesis caused by an increase in bile acid excretion.