The localization mechanism for the excess electron and positive hole in the
polysilane radical anion and cation has been investigated by means of both
molecular dynamics (MD) and extended Huckel molecular orbital (EHMO) calcu
lations. A linear oligosilane (SinH2n+2) (n = 32 and 64) was chosen as the
model of polysilane. The geometry optimization of the polysilane at the MM2
level gave a regular all-trans form as the most stable structure. The MD c
alculations, started from the optimized structure, showed that the conforma
tion of the polysilane skeleton was gradually randomized as a function of t
ime by thermal activation at 300 K. The conformations at 0.0, 0.05, 1.0, 1.
5, and 2.0 ps were chosen as sampling points, and spin densities on the sil
icon atoms were calculated by the EHMO calculations at each sampling point.
An excess electron and a positive hole were fully delocalized along the Si
chain in the regular all-trans form (time = 0.0 ps), whereas in the disord
ered conformations (time not equal 0) both electron and hole were completel
y localized on a few Si atoms (10-20 monomer units). The present calculatio
ns suggested that a continuous disorder of the Si main chain randomized by
thermal energy (i.e., disordered dihedral angle of Si skeletons) is dominan
t in both electron and hole localization. The localization mechanism was di
scussed on the basis of theoretical results.