Objective. We challenge Freud's psychodynamic theory using a systematic mod
us operandi which has been outlined in detail in a succession of articles.
Here, we deal with Freud's first assumption of human psychological primacy
in forming goal-directed behavior. According to our theory, biphasal homeos
tatic dysregulation is the underlying mechanism of clinical phenomenology.
Model: Evolutionary neurobiology has provided humans with a precise technic
al solution for optimal organismic survival. Humans are armed with an accur
ate negative feedback mechanism that operates within the alternating upper
and lower thresholds of biphasal homeostatic maintenance and is coupled wit
h a basal indicator of individual sensation of the degree of the given orga
nismic well-being in any unit of time. This originates the organismic pleas
ure principle (OPP). The latter is achieved by a straightforward quantal in
jection of endorphins according to one of eight possible body operational r
egimens. Thanks to the essential duality of the dynamic interactions, stipu
lated by the complex harmonics of term-dependent and event-dependent adapta
tion when one or more of the essential elements for homeostasis goes above
or below its predetermined threshold, certain branches of the organismic de
fense system (ODS) are 'turned on' in the second phase of homeostasis. The
individual then adapts behavioral modifications directed toward a long-last
ing search for the optimal resources needed for normal survival. This evolu
tionary biphasal homeostatic design has an intrinsic, methodical expression
that confirms changes and correctly informs the individual about them, fur
ther imposing behavioral modifications, when necessary. In cases of a homeo
static derangement, the OPP is replaced by an erratic inclusion of pain, te
nsion or depression, all components of the alarm system of the ODS, which m
ay lead to disordered behavioral patterns. Conclusions: The underlying biol
ogical mechanism of goal-directed assignments for biphasal homeostatic main
tenance is described. The intrinsic rules and regulations that guide both n
ormal and abnormal survival may be clinically manifest. Normal survival beh
avior is necessary to regain organismic homeostasis.