Molecular capsules consist of closed, hollow frameworks within which encaps
ulated molecules are isolated from interaction with external molecules', In
this environment, otherwise reactive molecules can be stabilized(2-5). Alt
hough some molecular capsules have been prepared by conventional synthetic
chemistry(1), recent progress in non-covalent synthesis has allowed the cre
ation of capsules held together by hydrogen bonds(6-9). Hero we report the
use of transition-metal-based coordination chemistry(10-19) to assemble a s
table, nanometre-scale capsule from 24 small components: 18 metal ions and
six triangular ligands, The capsule is roughly hexahedral and comprises six
edge-sharing triangles with two metal ions on each edge. The internal spac
e has a volume of 900 Angstrom(3) and is fully closed to all but very small