Dopaminomimetic agents; which were rationally designed to reverse dopamine
deficits in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area of the parkinso
nian midbrain, effectively attenuate deficits in motor and non-motor behavi
or thought to be elicited by dopamine deficiencies in the striatal and fron
tal limbic regions, respectively. On the other hand, dopaminomimetic medica
tions may also in:duce perturbations in postsynaptic peptides, causing dopa
minergic hypersensitivity. Drug-induced chronic dopaminomimetic psychosis a
fflicts about one-fifth of PD patients on dopaminergic regimens. Although t
he long-held mechanism for psychosis in PD is excessive stimulation of meso
corticolimbic dopamine receptors, interactions between dopamine and seroton
in, as well as participation of serotonin-modulated GABAergic neurons may a
lso contribute to the pathophysiology. Reduction or withdrawal of anticholi
nergic agents, amantadine, and dopamine precursors or agonists constitutes
a first approach to the problem but is often insufficient. Unfortunately, t
ypical antipsychotic agents such as haloperidol, which selectively antagoni
zes dopamine D-2 receptors, can induce extrapyramidal syndromes such as tar
dive parkinsonism. On the other hand, emerging atypical neuroleptics such a
s clozapine, quetiapine, and olanzapine, which antagonize 5HT-2A receptors
(among others), inhibit D-2 receptors to a lesser degree and exhibit select
ive binding to mesolimbic (vs. striatal) dopamine receptors. The limbic sel
ectivity of these agents appears to be of greater magnitude than that typic
al of risperidone. in addition, the selective antiserotonergic agent ondans
etron is a prospective therapeutic option. The pharmacologic properties of
these agents are explored.