Serotonin (5HT) released from aggregating platelets at sites of vascular in
jury is a known mitogen for vascular endothelial cells, Recent studies have
indicated that regenerating endothelial cells at sites of vessel wall inju
ry may play a role in the development of restenosis by synthesizing and rel
easing growth factors for vascular smooth muscle cells, proliferation of wh
ich may result in the development of neointima, Diets rich in fish oils (om
ega-3 fatty acids) are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disea
se including atherosclerosis and restenosis. This study examined the effect
of the omega-3 and other fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and doco
sahexaenoic acid (DHA), on 5HT induced endothelial cell proliferation. Amon
g the fatty acids examined only EPA and DHA could reverse the mitogenic eff
ect of 5HT on vascular endothelial cells, whereas oleic acid or palmitic ac
id did not have any effect. When added together, EPA and DHA potentiate eac
h other in reversing the mitogenic effect of 5HT. EPA and DHA also inhibite
d the 5HT-induced increase in the 5HT(2) receptor mRNA, without a change in
the receptor density or affinity. This data suggests that one of the mecha
nisms by which omega-3 fatty acids may attenuate the development of atheros
clerosis or restenosis is to inhibit the mitogen induced growth of vascular
endothelial cells, which attenuates the release of growth factors for vasc
ular smooth muscle cells.