We have developed a simple, analytically tractable radiative-convective mod
el of the tropical climate system that includes an explicit moisture budget
, a simple convection parametrization, a simple but physically based radiat
ion parametrization, and interactive clouds. The underlying surface is assu
med to be ocean. The model includes prognostic equations for the sea surfac
e temperature and the vertically integrated water vapour content. A stratos
phere in radiative equilibrium limits the depth of the convective layer. Th
e lower-tropospheric lapse rate, surface evaporation rate, and clear-sky lo
ng-wave and shea-wave radiative fluxes at the surface and the top of the at
mosphere are determined as functions of the sea surface temperature and pre
cipitable water only. The radiative-convective equilibria of the model atmo
sphere resemble the observed tropical climate, if realistic sea surface tem
peratures are prescribed. However, cloud-free radiative-convective equilibr
ia of the tropical atmosphere-ocean system do not occur for realistic value
s of the surface albedo. When cloud radiative effects are included, the mod
el produces radiative-convective equilibria that are unrealistically warm.
With prescribed realistic lateral energy and moisture transports, however,
the equilibria of the model are realistic.