The physical mechanisms of a shallow short-lived meso-beta scale cyclone ov
er the Gulf of Antalya, eastern Mediterranean, are studied, with the PSU/NC
AR MM4 and MM5 mesoscale models. Although the thin stratus clouds within th
is cyclone as observed from satellites are not resolved even by the 3 km ne
sting, the dynamical evolution and the 3-D structure are well captured. The
small cyclone or eddy develops before sunrise following convergence of the
strong katabatic winds from the nearby steep Anatolya mountains slopes wit
h 2 km peaks. The eddy's lifetime is of the order of 5-7 h and it quickly d
issipates before noon. Based on the simulated vertical winds, vorticity, hu
midity as well as the IR top cloud temperatures, the depth of the eddy is e
stimated to be 500-800 m. It is shown that the divergence term in the vorti
city equation is dominant during the eddy's generation. Lagrangian analysis
for the trajectories of several air-masses that were identified as crucial
for the eddy's development, reveals a sharp increase both in the PV (by 7-
8 units), and in the specific humidity, 3.5 to 7 g/kg, as the air-parcels d
escend from about 840 to 980 hPa. This air-parcel analysis also shows that
the diabatic contribution is quite important. Factor separation experiments
confirm that pure topography is the major factor and the synergistic effec
t of sea-fluxes and topography contributes about 20% of the total vorticity
. The Antalya cyclone is common during July to September morning hours and
its frequency of occurrence was estimated from satellite pictures to be abo
ut 20%.