We give short account of difficulties appearing when computing thin elastic
shells. <<Thin>> is understood in the sense that the ratio epsilon between
the thickness and any other characteristic length of the shell is small. F
or small epsilon the solution u(epsilon) itself (independently of its numer
ical approximation u(h)(epsilon)) exhibits peculiarities which depend highl
y on the shape and the boundary conditions of the shell. These peculiaritie
s are mainly of three kinds, which do not necessarily appear simultaneously
: 1) Boundary layers, 2)Global instability known as "sensitivity", 3) Const
rained solutions in subspaces. The numerical approximation should be reliab
le in these situations. Finite element schemes involving higher order polyn
omials appear as more efficient than others. Moreover, an explicit analysis
of convergence of the numerical approximation in several typical examples
shows that, in order to obtain a good approximation, the mesh step must be
taken smaller and smaller as epsilon decreases. Anisotropic adaptive meshes
should probably be suited.