The motion of an object can be described by a single velocity vector, or eq
uivalently, by direction and speed separately. Similarly, our ability to se
e subtle differences in the motion of two objects could be constrained by e
ither a velocity-based sensory response, or separate sensory responses to d
irection and speed. To distinguish between these possibilities we investiga
ted whether direction discrimination and speed discrimination were differen
tially affected by changes in the axis-of-motion. Psychophysical data from
12 naive observers indicated that direction discrimination depended on axis
-of-motion, but speed discrimination did not. The difference suggests that
a velocity-based sensory response is not the limiting factor on the two tas
ks. Instead, the results imply that the sensory response which constrains s
peed discrimination is at least partially independent from the sensory resp
onse which constrains direction discrimination. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science L
td. All rights reserved.