Complex digital systems are often decomposed into architectures very early
in the design process. Unfortunately, traditional simulation based language
s such as VHDL do not allow the impact of these architectural decisions to
be evaluated until a complete, simulatable design of the system is availabl
e. After a complete design is available, architectural errors an time-consu
ming and expensive to correct. However, there is an alternative to simulati
on based techniques: formal analysis of abstract architectures at the requi
rements level, This paper describes VSPEC's approach for defining and analy
zing abstract architectures. VSPEC is a Larch interface language for VHDL t
hat allows a designer to specify the requirements of a VHDL entity using th
e canonical Larch approach. VHDL structural architectures that instantiate
VSPEC entities define abstract architectures. These abstract architectures
can be evaluated at the requirements level to determine the impact of archi
tectural decisions. This paper briefly introduces VSPEC, provides a formal
definition of VSPEC abstract architectures and presents two examples that i
llustrate the architectural definition capabilities of the language.