Introduction: We investigated the value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging compa
red to the clinical examination for meniscal lesions.
Material and methods: From 1991 to 1995 we did arthroscopic evaluation at 8
24 patients with the diagnose "meniscal lesion". 73 of them had an MRI-exam
ination elsewhere before surgery;
Results:During arthroscopy we found 473 lesions of the medial meniscus and
160 of the lateral meniscus. The MRI-examination had an accuracy of 70% for
the medial meniscus (sensitivity,79%, specifity 63%,positive predictive va
lue 64%, negative predictive value 78%) and 78% for the lateral meniscus (s
ensitivity 50%, specifity 86%, positive predictive value 50%, negative pred
ictive value 86%). The clinical examination had an accuracy of 73% for the
medial meniscus (sensitivity 98%, specifity 39%, positive predictive value
69%, negative predictive value 88%) and 87% for the lateral meniscus (sensi
tivity 67%, specifity 92%,positive predictive value 65%,negative predictive
value 93%).
Conclusions: We conclude, that by an experienced examiner a meniscal lesion
can be diagnosed adequately by clinical examination alone. The different r
adiologists who did the MRI examination in our study belong to different ou
tward departments and used different apparatus:with sometimes insufficient
quality of the pictures. Therefore the sensitivity and specifity of the MRI
for meniscal lesions is:markedly lower than in other studies of department
s where a close cooperation between the radiologist and the orthopedic surg
eon is performed.