We established a drug sensitivity panel consisting of 24 human lung cancer
cell lines. Using this panel, we evaluated 26 anti-cancer agents: three alk
ylators, three platinum compounds, four antimetabolites, one topoisomerase
I inhibitor, five topoisomerase II inhibitors, seven antimitotic agents and
three tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This panel showed the following: a) Drug
sensitivity patterns reflected their clinically-established patterns of ac
tion. For example, doxorubicin and etoposide were shown to be active agains
t small cell lung cancer cell lines and mitomycin-C and 5-fluorouracil were
active against non-small cell lung cancer cell lines, in agreement with cl
inical data. b) Correlation analysis of the mean graphs derived from the lo
garithm of IC50 values of the drugs gave insight into the mechanism of each
drug's action. Thus, two drug combinations with reverse or no correlation,
such as the combination of cisplatin and vinorelbine, might be good candid
ates for the ideal two drug combination in the treatment of lung cancer, as
is being confirmed in clinical trials. c) Using cluster analysis of the ce
ll lines in the panel with their drug sensitivity patterns, we could classi
fy the cell lines into four groups depending on the drug sensitivity simila
rity. This classification will be useful to elucidate the cellular mechanis
m of action and drug resistance. Thus, our drug sensitivity panel will be h
elpful to explore new drugs or to develop a new combination of anti-cancer
agents for the treatment of lung cancer.