The UNEP Handbook on Methods for Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adapt
ation Strategies provides an elaboration of the IPCC Technical Guidelines f
or Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. This paper presents th
e concepts and ideas that underpin the chapter Coastal Zones of the UNEP Ha
ndbook. Particular emphasis is given to the conceptual framework, which is
centered around the concept of vulnerability. Further, the IPCC Common Meth
odology for Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise is evaluated
and compared with the Technical Guidelines. One notable difference between
the 2 approaches concerns the use of scenarios. In the Common Methodology s
cenarios are prescribed, while the Technical Guidelines allow users maximum
freedom in selecting and developing scenarios. Finally, the paper discusse
s 3 levels of increasingly complex assessment in coastal zones. As more exp
erience is acquired, coastal databases improve and better analytical tools
and techniques are developed, more comprehensive and integrated assessments
will become feasible.