Two studies were conducted to examine gymnasts' memory capabilities in rela
tion to skill level (high and low) and age level (6-8 years and 14-16 years
). The first experiment consisted of two trials performed 7 days apart. In
the first trial, gymnasts were briefly exposed to a twelve-element floor ro
utine, and were then required to perform the routine in the same serial ord
er. One week later they were again briefly presented the same sequence, but
with the fifth and seventh elements missing. The task was to perform the s
equence in order, including the missing elements. The second study involved
three trials that were conducted on the same day. A ten-element sequence w
as briefly presented on the first trial followed by an immediate test of th
at sequence. One hour later, participants were asked to perform the sequenc
e again (delayed test). An hour following that, the sequence was again pres
ented with two elements missing. The sequence had to be performed with the
missing elements. The results indicate that serial position accuracy of a g
ymnastic floor routine improves with both age and experience, and that the
older experienced gymnasts outperformed all the other gymnasts on all phase
s of the experiments. These results are interpreted within the Ericsson and
Kintsch (1995) theory of Long-term Working Memory. Copyright (C) 1999 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.