Context.-The importance of frozen-section diagnoses in the practice of path
ology cannot be overemphasized. In some cases, the use of a mucin stain can
greatly aid in the diagnosis. Since few methods for mucin staining have be
en described that can be used in the frozen-section setting, we developed o
ne such staining procedure for mucin.
Objective.-To develop a rapid mucicarmine staining technique to be used on
frozen sections that does not significantly delay overall turnaround time.
Design.-A standard mucicarmine staining technique was modified by using a c
oncentrated mucicarmine stain and a microwave oven, to reduce the total sta
ining time to 3 minutes or less. Frozen tissue from normal colonic mucosa w
as used as a control, and skin from extramammary Paget disease for evaluati
on of margins was used as a case.
Results.-The rapid mucicarmine stain successfully demonstrated the presence
of mucin on frozen-tissue sections. Mucin stained deep rose, and the conne
ctive tissue stained green.
Conclusion.-This rapid and simple mucin staining technique can be used on f
rozen sections with no significant effect on the overall turnaround time, t
hereby aiding rapid diagnosis on frozen sections.