Motivation: Evolution acts in several ways on DNA: either by mutating a bas
e, or by inserting, deleting or copying a segment of the sequence (Ruddle,
1997; Russell, 1994; Li and Grauer, 1991). Classical alignment methods deal
with point mutations (Waterman, 1995), genome-level mutations are studied
using genome rearrangement distances (Bafna and Pevzner; 1993, 1995; Kececi
oglu and Sankoff, 1994; Kececioglu and Ravi, 1995). The latter distances ge
nerally operate, not on the sequences, but an an ordered list of genes. To
our knowledge, no measure of distance attempts to compare sequences using a
general set of segment-based operations.
Results: Here We define a new family of distances, called transformation di
stances, which quantify the dissimilarity between two sequences in terms of
segment-based events. We focus on the case where segment-copy, -reverse-co
py and -insertion ave allowed in our set of operations. Those events are we
ighted by their description length, but other sets of weights are possible
when biological information is available. The transformation distance from
sequence S to sequence Tis then the Minimun Description Length among all po
ssible scripts that build T knowing S with segment-based operations. The un
derlying idea is related to Kalmogorov complexity theory. We present an alg
orithm which, given two sequences S and T, computes exactly and efficiently
the transformation distance from S to T. Unlike alignment methods, the met
hod we propose does not necessarily respect the order of the residues withi
n the compared sequences and is therefore able to account for duplications
and translocations that cannot be properly described by sequence alignment
A biological application on Tnt1 tobacco retrotransposon is presented.