Decomposition rate constants were estimated from 384 cross sections of Norw
ay spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karat.) logs with base diameter >7.0 cm collect
ed in open areas at five different study sites in southeastern Norway. Fres
h wood core samples were taken from 95 standing trees adjacent to the logs
to estimate the initial density of these cross sections. Based on this chro
nosequence, a simple negative exponential function of time showed an averag
e decomposition rate constant for all cross sections of 0.033 per year. Cro
ss-section diameter, ground contact, soil moisture, and aspect were all fou
nd to have significant impacts on the decomposition rate constant. For diff
erent combinations of these characteristics the decomposition rate constant
ranged from a minimum of 0.0165 per year to a maximum of 0.0488 per year.