It may be argued that seizing large quantities of heroin being importe
d into the country should decrease its supply and hence increase its p
rice, resulting in a reduction in the quantity of the drug being purch
ased or consumed. To date, however, there has been no empirical eviden
ce that heroin seizures in Australia have any effect on the price of h
eroin at street level. This article describes a 2-year research study
during which the price and purity of street-level heroin were regularl
y monitored. It was found that heroin seizures had no effect on the pr
ice, purity or perceived availability of heroin at street level. It wa
s further found that admissions to methadone treatment were not affect
ed by the price or perceived availability of heroin or by local arrest
s for heroin use/possession, nor was any relationship found between th
ese arrests and the price of street-level heroin. Nevertheless, two-th
irds of those who sought entry to local methadone programmes indicated
the price as a reason for stopping using heroin. This paper argues th
at supply-side law enforcement should only be used as a strategy for m
aintaining high heroin prices if the demand for heroin can be shown to
be price-elastic and, further, that the costs of such a strategy need
to be weighed against the benefits.