The proceedings of the second annual scientific conference of the Soci
ety for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco are summarized. The goal of t
he annual conference was to disseminate information about ongoing nico
tine research from biological, behavioral and social perspectives. Dat
a were presented describing our current understanding of the structure
and function of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, by which
nicotine exerts most, if not all, of its effects in the brain. The con
formational complexity of receptor subunits expressed in different bra
in areas contributes significantly to the complexity of responses obse
rved to nicotinic agonists. Nicotine is being developed as a medicatio
n that might be used to maintain smoking cessation and to treat variou
s medical diseases. The potential toxicity of nicotine, apart from cig
arette smoking, is an important variable in assessing the benefits and
risks of such therapeutic applications. The risks of nicotine-contain
ing medications appear to be far less than those associated with tobac
co use. Recent data indicate that cigarette smoking is increasing amon
g youth in the United States. Adolescent smokers are interested in qui
tting and make frequent quit attempts, but are usually nor successful.
Effective methods are needed to manage adolescent smokers before they
become heavily addicted. Nicotine replacement as a pharmacological tr
eatment for smoking cessation has made a significant contribution in i
mproving quit rates. New medications have been developed that target s
pecific populations of smokers.