Some health effects research has led to concern that electromagnetic field
(EMF) exposures may increase the risk of certain diseases. Recent publicity
about research results has resulted in numerous inquiries from anxious uti
lity customers. Moreover, the public has shown greater opposition to action
s that may be seen as increasing exposure to EMF, such as construction or u
pgrading of transmission lines. Utilities thus need effective means of comm
unicating accurate information about potential EMF risks and securing appro
priate public involvement. Increasing such public concern that exposure to
EMF may cause adverse human health effects poses difficult communications p
roblems for utilities. This paper will assist utilities in clearly conveyin
g the current scientific understanding of EMF and explaining corporate posi
tions on the issue. Moreover, the paper should help utilities achieve appro
priate levels of public involvement in EMF issues. It provides a comprehens
ive menu of communication and public involvement methods for helping utilit
ies respond to customers concerns about EMF and offer examples of message d
evelopment and readily comprehensible information about EMF. (C) 1999 Elsev
ier Science S.A. All rights reserved.