OBJECTIVE - Treatment with metformin is occasionally associated with t
he development of severe lactic acidosis. However, this is usually obs
erved in patients with major contraindications to the drug. In this st
udy, we aimed to determine the prevalence of conditions currently rega
rded as either contraindications or cautions to the use of metformin i
n patients with NIDDM. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The case notes of
metformin-treated NIDDM patients (mean age 62 years) attending a Unit
ed Kingdom university hospital diabetes clinic over a 3-month period w
ere reviewed according to criteria reflecting a pragmatic view of curr
ent prescribing recommendations. RESULTS - Of 89 consecutive patients
whose notes could be evaluated in detail, only 41 (46%) had no contrai
ndications or cautions to metformin whatsoever. Concomitant chronic di
sorders associated with a potentially increased risk of hyperlactatemi
a were renal impairment (n = 2; plasma creatinine concentrations 1.7 a
nd 2.3 mg/dl, respectively), cardiac failure (n = 2), and chronic live
r disease (n = 2). Other potentially relevant disorders included ische
mic heart disease (n = 20), clinical proteinuria (n = 14), peripheral
vascular disease (n = 22), and pulmonary disease (n = 7). Multiple con
ditions (i.e., two, three, or four) were present in eight, five, and o
ne patient(s), respectively. CONCLUSIONS - More than half the patients
in our series had concomitant conditions or complications conventiona
lly regarded as cautions or contraindications to metformin; similar to
10% had a multiplicity of such conditions. Regular surveillance is ne
cessary to detect the development of complications such as renal impai
rment. Vigilance is also required in view of the increased risk of maj
or intercurrent illnesses, which may independently disturb lactate met
abolism in patients with NIDDM. Metformin should be withdrawn promptly
under such circumstances.