Relationships based on PCR-RFLPs of non-coding regions of cpDNA indicate th
at some of the largest subgenera of the genus Allium and five of the larges
t sections of the Central Asian subg. Melanocrommyum are artificial. Intern
ested synapomorphic mutations without homoplasy were found only in the chlo
roplast genomes of plants of subg. Melanocrommyum that occur in the border
region of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Eighteen of
49 plants surveyed were polymorphic for their ITS regions. Even plants that
had identical chloroplast genomes were polymorphic for nuclear ribosomal r
egions. These individuals had markedly different frequencies of ITS variant
s that were detected with various restriction enzymes. The geographic parti
tioning of chloroplast haplotypes and the fact that the ITS variants could
not be ordered hierarchically can readily be envisioned to result from gene
flow. Processes such as concerted evolution and parallel morphological evo
lution may also be partly responsible for the disconcordance of mutations i
n the chloroplast and nuclear genome. However, the chimeric nature of the n
uclear ribosomal regions indicates that concerted evolution is not the domi
nating process in Allium subg. Melanocrommyum.