Block samples of a Boston Blue clay crust were used in a detailed study of
the relationship between undrained shear strength and consolidation pressur
e in the compression and extension shear modes. The glacial silty clay samp
le that was mainly composed of quartz, feldspar, illite and chlorite has de
veloped an overconsolidation ratio near to 3.0 by desiccation. The in situ
coefficient of earth pressure at rest was near to 0.9 as compared to K-0p =
0.56 of the normally consolidated young clay in the compression range beyo
nd the preconsolidation pressure. In the compression range, for each consol
idation-shear mode, undrained shear strength to vertical consolidation pres
sure ratio as well as shearing-induced pore water pressure to vertical cons
olidation pressure ratio, friction angle mobilized at yield, and the coeffi
cient of earth pressure at rest, were constant and independent of consolida
tion pressure. The mobilized undrained shear strength of the normally conso
lidated young clay obtained by consolidating samples to the compression ran
ge was 0.22 sigma(vc)'. However, mobilized undrained shear strength from sp
ecimens that were subjected to the in situ effective stress condition befor
e undrained shear was 0.17 sigma(p)'. This value of in situ strength from t
he laboratory tests as well as the increase in undrained shear strength in
the recompression range from the effective overburden pressure to the preco
nsolidation pressure are probably related to the microfissures in the desic
cated stiff clay. Undrained shear strength of the desiccated stiff clay ten
ded towards zero as the vertical consolidation pressure decreased starting
from the in situ condition.