The influence of mixing frequency and depth on phytoplankton functional gro
up composition (mobile versus immobile species) was studied by enclosure ex
periments in a shallow, stratified lake. Mixing events were artificially in
duced at intervals from 2-12 d. The mixing depth was increased from the nat
ural level (4 m) to 6 and 9 m. The mobile phytoplankton in the experiments
consisted of cyanobacteria and flagellates. Among the latter, large and rap
id swimming species were represented by dinoflagellates. An increase of the
relative abundance of gas vacuolated cyanobacteria occurred with increasin
g frequency of mixing. Additionally Reynolds' hypothesis predicting the occ
urrence of certain mobile phytoplankton genera in response to the mixing re
gime could be confirmed for the condition when mixing depth exceeds the eup
hotic depth.