Interventional MRI (I-MRI) guided thermal tissue ablation has been used for
a variety of interventional cancer therapies. These would be further facil
itated by temperature-sensitive sequences on low magnetic held MR images. H
owever, until these sequences have been reliably implemented at low fields,
other methods of temperature measurement are required, This project descri
bes the development of a low cost, reliable, MRI-compatible temperature sen
sor array useful at a temperature range from 37 degrees C to higher than 90
degrees C. The device uses a three-channel thermocouple sensor array conne
cted to a variety of filtering and signal-conditioning electronics, analog-
to-digital (A/D) converters, and personal computers. The sensors induce neg
ligible field distortion, Similarly, no MRI-based measurement artifacts are
observed. One-dimensional temperature profiles are generated with thermoco
uple signal linearization performed by the software.