For most men, first-time fatherhood involves significant changes in self-id
entity and their relationship with their female partner. This paper present
s some findings from a longitudinal, qualitative study into the first 6 mon
ths of new fatherhood for a group of 15 Australian men. The discussion draw
s on a series of semistructured interviews undertaken on a minimum of four
occasions from a few days before the child was born until 5-6 months after
birth. We found that first-time fathering in contemporary western society r
equires men to be simultaneously provider, guide, household help and nurtur
er. The demands of these roles, and the tensions they sometimes produce, ch
allenge men's relationships with their female partners, the meaning and pla
ce of work in their lives and their sense of self as competent adults. Almo
st all the men we interviewed found the early weeks and months of fatherhoo
d more uncomfortable than rewarding, despite looking forward to fatherhood
very positively. Their experience appeared more closely aligned to their di
fficulties with meeting social expectations and roles rather than individua
l deficits.