The DNA damage and repair effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells
induced by lead ( Pb) were tested in this study. Yeast cells were cultured
for 72 h at the following Pb concentrations : 0 (controls), 1 ppm (11.6 mu
g/dl) and 8 ppm (92.6 mu g/dl), and 0.1 g kappa-selenocarrageenan (10000 m
u g Se/g) used as repair reagent was added directly to the yeast culture me
dium (100 ml) for the repair assays. The percentage of damaged cells was ob
served from fluorescence microscope. Statistical analysis showed that the t
wo lead doses damaged DNA structure of yeast cells significantly, and the h
igher concentration made more serious damage than that of the lower concent
ration. With the addition of kappa-selenocarrageenan, DNA damage was repair
ed to some degree. Furthermore, the accumulation effects of DNA damage from
the parent generation to the filial generation yeast cells was also invest
igated. At the lower lead concentration, the accumulation effects were more
significant than that at the higher concentration.