A new time-dependent kinetic model is used to investigate the effects of se
lf-consistency and hot plasma influences on plasmaspheric refilling. The mo
del employs a direct solution of the kinetic equation with a Fokker-Planck
Coulomb collision operator to obtain the phase space distribution function
of the thermal protons along a field line. Of particular interest is the in
fluence of several processes on the source cone distribution function forma
tion. It is found that a self-consistent ion temperature in the collision t
erm can increase or decrease the equatorial plane density, depending not on
ly on the choice of ion temperature in the static-background calculations b
ut also on the form of the nonlinear representation. The inclusion of a sel
f-consistent polarization electric field increases the early stage equatori
al plane density by a factor of 2. Investigations of the effects of anisotr
opic hot plasma populations on the refilling rates shows that, after a slig
ht initial decrease in equatorial density from clearing out the initial dis
tribution, there is a 10 to 30% increase after 4 hours due to these populat
ions. This increase is due primarily to a slowing of the refilling streams
near the equator from the reversed electric field.