Hourly melt and discharge of Storglaciaren, a small glacier in Sweden, were
computed for two melt seasons, applying temperature-index methods to a 30
m resolution grid for the melt component. The classical degree-day method y
ielded a good simulation of the seasonal pattern of discharge, but the pron
ounced melt-induced daily discharge cycles were not captured. Modelled degr
ee-day factors calculated for every hour and each gridcell from melt obtain
ed from a distributed energy-balance model varied substantially, bath diurn
ally and spatially. A new distributed temperature-index model is suggested,
attempting to capture both the pronounced diurnal melt cycles and the spat
ial variations in melt due to the effects of surrounding topography. This i
s accomplished by including a radiation index in terms of potential clear-s
ky direct solar radiation, and thus, without the need for other data beside
s air temperature. This approach improved considerably the simulation of di
urnal discharge fluctuations and yielded a more realistic spatial distribut
ion of melt rates. The incorporation of measured global radiation to accoun
t for the reduction in direct solar radiation due to cloudiness did not lea
d to additional improvement in model performance.