The object of this study was to describe the surgical technique of laparosc
opic sterilization with the harmonic scalpel. From April 1995 to July 1997,
30 women 26-41 years old underwent laparoscopic sterilization with the har
monic scalpel. The procedure was performed on an outpatient basis. The mean
operative time was 7 min. No complications occurred. Postoperative pain wa
s minimal. None of these women became pregnant. The harmonic scalpel is a c
utting and coagulating energy source, recently adapted to laparoscopic use,
which differs from all the other available energy sources. It provides eff
ective coagulation and cutting for laparoscopic sterilization, Advantages i
nclude less charring and plume, better visualization, less thermal injury,
and ease of use.