The ii-dimensional grid is one of the most representative patterns of data
now in parallel computation. Many scientific algorithms, which require near
est neighbor communication in a lattice space, are modeled by a task graph
with the properties of a simple or enhanced grid. The two most frequently u
sed scheduling models for grids are the unit execution time-zero communicat
ion delay (UET) and the unit execution time-unit communication time (UET-UC
T). In this paper we introduce an enhanced model of the ii-dimensional grid
by adding extra diagonal edges and allowing unequal boundaries for each di
mension. For this generalized grid topology we establish the optimal makesp
an for both cases of UET/UET-UCT grids. Then we give a closed formula that
calculates the minimum number of processors required to achieve the optimal
makespan. Finally, we propose a low-complexity optimal time and processor
scheduling strategy for both cases. (C) 1999 Academic Press.