Background: Cisapride is a gastrointestinal prokinetic agent that is used w
orldwide in the treatment of gastrointestinal motility-related disorders in
premature infants, full-term infants, and children. Efficacy data suggest
that it is the most effective commercially available prokinetic drug.
Methods: Because of recent concerns about safety, a critical and in-depth a
nalysis of all reported adverse events was performed and resulted in the co
nclusions and recommendations that follow.
Results: Cisapride should only be administered to patients in whom the use
of prokinetics is justified according to current medical knowledge. If cisa
pride is given to pediatric patients who can be considered healthy except f
or their gastrointestinal motility disorder, and the maximum dose does not
exceed 0.8 mg/kg per day in 3 to 4 administrations of 0.2 mg/kg (not exceed
ing 30 mg/d), no special safety procedures regarding potential cardiac adve
rse events are recommended. However, if cisapride is prescribed for patient
s who are known to be or are suspected of being at increased risk for drug-
associated increases in QTc interval, certain precautions are advisable. Su
ch patients include those:(1) with a previous history of cardiac dysrhythmi
as, (2) receiving drugs known to inhibit the metabolism of cisapride and/or
adversely affect ventricular repolarisation, (3) with immaturity and/or di
sease causing reduced cytochrome P450 3A4 activity, or (4) with electrolyte
disturbances. In such patients, ECG monitoring to quantitate the QTc inter
val should be used before initiation of therapy and after 3 days of treatme
nt to ascertain whether a cisapride-induced cardiac adverse effect is prese
Conclusions: With rare exceptions, the total daily dose of cisapride should
not exceed 0.8 mg/kg divided into 3 or 4 approximately equally spaced dose
s. If higher doses than this are given, the precautions above are advisable
. In any patient in whom a prolonged QTc interval is found, the dose of cis
apride should be reduced or the drug discontinued until the ECG normalizes.
If the QTc interval returns to normal after withdrawal of cisapride, and t
he administration of cisapride is considered to be justified because of its
efficacy and absence of alternative treatment options, cisapride can be re
started at half dose with control of the QTc interval. Unfortunately, at pr
esent, normal ranges of QTc interval in children are unknown. However, a cr
itical analysis of the literature suggests that a duration of less than 450
milliseconds can be considered to be within the normal range and greater t
han 470 milliseconds as outside it.