One hundred and seventy-two children with cerebral palsy were operated on f
or neuromuscular scoliosis by spinal fusion with unit rod instrumentation b
etween January 1988 and June 1996. There were 15 (8.7%) postoperative wound
infections (seven deep, eight superficial) in 15 patients (five males, 10
females) who had a mean age of 13.9 years. The mean follow-up after diagnos
is of infection was 3.3 years (range, 1-7.2). Twelve of the 15 infected cas
es, including all seven deep infections, occurred in the distal portion of
the incision. In 14 patients, the wound infections were diagnosed within th
e first 2 months of the original spinal fusion. All the superficial wound i
nfections were treated successfully by local wound care and intravenous ant
ibiotics. The removal of hardware was necessary in the one late deep wound
infection that occurred 2 years after the spinal fusion. The remaining six
deep infections were treated by irrigation and debridement with the wound l
eft open, allowing it to heal by secondary intention. One patient's wound w
as closed over suction-irrigation drains; however, due to a recurrent absce
ss, the wound was reopened and allowed to granulate. All the wound infectio
ns occurred in severely neurologically involved spastic quadriplegics who w
ere nonambulatory and severely mentally retarded and had seizure disorders.