We studied 73 children with chronic or recurrent musculoskeletal pain of gr
eater than or equal to 6 weeks' duration. Thirty-six children had no identi
fiable organic etiology for their pain, with a minimum follow-up of 2 years
for ongoing symptoms. Thirty-seven children had an organic etiology for th
eir pain. Use of an Inappropriate Symptom Checklist was helpful in distingu
ishing between children with chronic pain who were found to have an organic
disease and those without an identifiable organic disease. Seventy-seven p
ercent of children with no inappropriate symptoms had an organic diagnosis
ultimately made. Conversely, 79% of children with two or more inappropriate
symp toms ultimately had no organic diagnosis to explain their pain. Behav
ioral self-report measures testing could not differentiate between children
with chronic pain with or without organic disease. Intervention by a psych
ologist skilled in pain manage ment was helpful.