Simple bone cyst (SBC) is a benign fluid-filled cavity found primarily at t
he proximal ends of long bones in children. Treatments proposed for SEC ran
ge from observation to intralesional curettage and bone grafting, which are
all associated with uncertainty and complications. Because of these factor
s, a relatively noninvasive protocol with osteoinductive autogenic bone mar
row was instituted. Twelve patients were identified with SBCs. Bone marrow
was aspirated from the patient's iliac crests and injected into the cyst ca
vity. Follow-up ranged from 9 to 57 months. Eight (67%) patients demonstrat
ed substantial healing, two (17%) showed partial healing, and two (17%) did
not respond to bone marrow therapy. The advantages suggested by bone marro
w injection over the currently practiced methods include a higher success r
ate with a single injection and earlier healing.