The zeros of complex Gaussian random polynomials, with coefficients such th
at the density in the underlying complex space is uniform, are known to hav
e the same statistical properties as the zeros of the coherent state repres
entation of one-dimensional chaotic quantum systems. We extend the interpre
tation of these polynomials by showing that they also arise as the wavefunc
tion for a quantum particle in a magnetic field constructed from a random s
uperposition of states in the lowest Landau level. A study of the statistic
al properties of the zeros is undertaken using exact formulae for the one-
and two-point distribution functions. Attention is focused on the moments o
f the two-point correlation in the bulk, the variance of a linear statistic
, and the asymptotic form of the two-point correlation at the boundary. A c
omparison is made with the same quantities for the eigenvalues of complex G
aussian random matrices.