Objective: Although numerous reports have described alcohol muscle dysfunct
ion (myopathy) in histochemical and morphological terms, a description of t
he relative impact of alcoholism on the functional capabilities (strength,
power) of the various muscle groups of the arms and legs has not been repor
ted. Method: The strength of flexor and extensor muscles of the elbow, knee
and ankle was evaluated in a group of healthy detoxified white, alcoholic
men (N = 83) and lifestyle control subjects (N = 61) using a computer-opera
ted isokinetic dynamometer. Results: The muscle mass (muscle-plus-bone cros
s-sectional area) did not differ significantly in alcoholics and controls f
or any of the limbs studied. Tests of isokinetic torque, work and power rev
ealed small deficits (3-8%) in alcoholics in muscle groups involved in elbo
w flexion/extension, knee extension and ankle dorsiflexion. Tests of isomet
ric torque in the knee extensors at different degrees of muscle stretch rev
ealed approximately 4-6% lower torque in alcoholics at four different muscl
e lengths. The force-velocity (isoinertia knee extension) measures indicate
d slightly slower speeds of contraction (3.9-6.6%) in alcoholics under vary
ing load conditions. Conclusions: The small magnitude of the muscle perform
ance deficit in this group of alcoholics was less than expected and is prob
ably related to (I) the elimination of subjects with other medical comorbid
ities or polydrug abuse, (2) the comparison with a control group of somewha
t similar lifestyle and (3) the long (35-day) detoxification period elapsin
g before testing.