This paper describes two methods for wavelet domain rendering of volum
e data sets, which are based on entirely different paradigms for the a
pproximation of the underlying volume rendering equation. The first ap
proach comprises a ray-tracing algorithm for cardinal B-spline wavelet
representations of both color and opacity values and generates high q
uality images. We especially propose elaborated integration and evalua
tion schemes, where the computation of shading is also performed in wa
velet space. The second approach proposes a fast intensity integration
method based on wavelet splats. This scheme takes advantage of the se
lf-similarity of the basis functions and computes the required splats
by Fourier projection slicing. At this point, it unifies the advantage
s coming along with Fourier domain and with wavelet domain rendering a
nd it avoids some of the major artifacts the first one is prone to. Du
e to the computational efficiency, the splatting method allows the com
putation of coarse approximations at interactive rates and refines the
picture progressively. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.