Local aggregate structures in ethylene-methacrylic acid (E-MAA) and ethylen
e-acrylic acid (E-AA) ionomers were studied using extended X-ray absorption
fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). In the case of pure zinc neutralizati
on, E-AA and E-MAA ionomers showed very minor differences in EXAFS spectra.
These small differences were statistically significant, however, and almos
t certainly a result of the structural differences between the acid repeat
units. Overneutralization with zinc acetate dihydrate caused significant ch
anges in the EXAFS pattern which could not be attributed to a linear combin
ation of EXAFS spectra from the ionomer and zinc acetate dihydrate. Coneutr
alization with either lithium or sodium also changed the local environment
around zinc. Zinc/sodium ratios were systematically varied in both E-AA and
E-MAA. In the former, the local environment around zinc changed as the Zn/
Na mole ratio changed from 1:0 to 1:1; at ratios between 1:I and 1:9 the lo
cal environments were identical. Therefore, at low Zn/Na ratios only one ty
pe of zinc-containing aggregate exists in the system, and this aggregate pr
obably contains both sodium and zinc. A partial list of properties for this
mixed-cation aggregate was generated, and possible structures were propose
d. For E-MAA ionomers, zinc local environment changes continuously as Zn/Na
ratio changes. Hence, more than one type of aggregate exists at all Zn/Na
ratios, and the relative distribution of these aggregates changes with this
ratio. The implications of the differences in aggregate structure on the r
heological behavior of these mixed-cation systems are discussed.