The unique roles played by ICRH in the preparation, formation and sustainme
nt of internal transport barriers (ITBs) in high fusion performance JET opt
imized shear experiments using the Mark II poloidal divertor are discussed.
Together with LHCD, low power ICRH is applied during the early ramp-up pha
se of the plasma current, 'freezing in' a hollow or flat current density pr
ofile with q(0) > 1. In combination with up to similar to 20 MW of NBI, the
ICRH power is stepped up to similar to 6 MW during the main low confinemen
t (L mode) heating phase. An ITB forms promptly after the power step, revea
led by a region of reduced central energy transport and peaked profiles, wi
th the ion thermal diffusivity falling to values close to the standard neoc
lassical level near the centre of both DD and DT plasmas. At the critical t
ime of ITB formation, the plasma contains an energetic ICRF supported hydro
gen minority ion population, contributing similar to 50% to the total plasm
a pressure and heating mainly electrons. As both the NBI population and the
thermal ion pressure develop, a substantial part of the ICRF power is damp
ed resonantly on core ions (omega = 2 omega(cD) = 3 omega(cT)), contributin
g to the ion heating. In NBI step-down experiments, high performance has be
en sustained by maintaining central ICRH; analysis shows the efficiency of
central ICRH ion heating to be comparable to that of NBI. The highest DD fu
sion neutron rates (R-NT = 5.6 x 10(16) s(-1)) yet achieved in JET plasmas
have been produced by combining a low magnetic shear core with a high confi
nement (H mode) edge. In DT, a fusion triple product n(i)T(i)tau(E) = (1.2
+/- 0.2) x 10(21) m(-3) keV s was achieved with 7.2 MW of fusion power obta
ined in the L mode and with up to 8.2 MW of fusion power in the H mode phas