Results of experiments investigating the performance of the JET Mark IIA di
vertor are reported and compared with the performance of its Mark I predece
ssor. The principal effect of reducing the divertor width (increasing closu
re) was to increase pumping for both deuterium and impurities while reducin
g upstream neutral pressure. Neither the orientation of the divertor target
relative to the divertor plasma nor the width of the divertor had a major
influence on core plasma performance in ELMy H modes. Changing the core tri
angularity and thus the edge magnetic shear modifies the ELM frequency in E
LMy H mode plasmas, thereby changing the peak divertor power loading. The i
ntegrated performance of the core and divertor plasmas is reviewed with a v
iew to extrapolation to the requirements of ITER. The confinement of JET EL
MS H modes with hot, medium density edges is good (H-97 approximate to 1) a
nd follows a gyro-Bohm scaling. The impurity content of these discharges is
low and within the ITER requirements. When an attempt is made to raise the
density with deuterium gas fuelling, the ELM frequency increases and the c
onfinement, especially in the edge, decreases. Good confinement can be achi
eved in JET either by producing a large edge pedestal, typically in dischar
ges with NE heating or by centrally peaked heating with ICRH schemes. Large
amplitude type I ELMs, which are present in all discharges with a large ed
ge pedestal, would result in unacceptable divertor plate erosion when scale
d to ITER. Since the power deposition profile due to a heating in ITER is c
alculated to be intermediate between the JET NE and RF heating profiles, it
is likely that operation in ITER with small ELMs in order to reduce first
wall loading will result in degraded confinement compared with present day
scaling laws.