Analytical properties of the chemical speciation method. Ion beam thermogra
phy (IBT), have been investigated. IBT combines the multi-elemental ion bea
m techniques PINE, PESA, pNRA and cPESA with thermography. During thermogra
phy the sample temperature is gradually increased, causing vaporisation of
chemical compounds at specific temperatures and the sample at the same rime
undergoes analysis by the above-mentioned techniques. The characteristic v
aporisation temperature (CVT) and the stoichiometric relations between the
elements vaporised at that temperature, identify the chemical compounds. Th
is work describes the reproducibility of the method, the dependence of the
rate of temperature increase. the dependence of the sample thickness and th
e influence from aerosol particle size on the CVT. In addition the minimum
detectable mass changes for IBT analysis of marine and continental aerosols
were estimated by calculation for major and minor elements, (C) 1999 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.