Update on fixation of rigid and foldable posterior chamber intraocular lenses. Part II - Choosing the correct haptic fixation and intraocular lens design to help eradicate posterior capsule opacification
J. Ram et al., Update on fixation of rigid and foldable posterior chamber intraocular lenses. Part II - Choosing the correct haptic fixation and intraocular lens design to help eradicate posterior capsule opacification, OPHTHALMOL, 106(5), 1999, pp. 891-900
Purpose: Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is one of the most common co
mplications of cataract surgery, and there is an urgent need to reduce its
incidence. Its main treatment, neodymium:YAG (Nd,YAG) laser posterior capsu
lotomy, may be associated with significant morbidity and is expensive. In t
his study, the authors ascertain the effect of posterior chamber intraocula
r lens (PC-IOL) fixation and various IOL designs (rigid polymethyl methacry
late [PMMA] optic and small-incision foldable designs) on the pathogenesis
of PCO,
Design: Prospective analysis of pseudophakic eyes obtained postmortem.
Participants: A total of 3493 eyes with PC-IOLs obtained postmortem and rec
eived between 1984 and 1998,
Methods: Miyake-Apple posterior photographic technique.
Main Outcome Measures: Peripheral Soemmering's ring, central PCO in the vis
ual axis, and eyes that have had Nd,YAG laser posterior capsulotomy were an
alyzed and scored, and these findings were correlated with the type of fixa
tion and IOL design.
Results: The degree of formation of peripheral Soemmering's ring was not in
fluenced by IOL fixation, The acrylic design revealed relatively low Soemme
ring's ring scores. In contrast, central PCO and Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy s
cores were consistently influenced by fixation, The scores were significant
ly lower in eyes with in-the-bag fixation, The bag-bag fixated acrylic-PMMA
design and the three modern silicone IOL designs analyzed in this study ha
d less central PCO and lower posterior capsulotomy scores than did the PMMA
Conclusions: The formation of peripheral PCO (the Soemmering's ring), the p
recursor of clinically significant, vision-threatening PCO, is not signific
antly influenced by the haptic fixation pattern. It is much more dependent
on the quality and thoroughness of surgical cortical cleanup. Reduction of
Soemmering's ring is an important goal because the retained regenerative co
rtical cells within this lesion are the cells of origin of PCO, The acrylic
IOL design was associated with a lessor amount of peripheral Soemmering's
ring as compared with all other designs.
In sharp contrast to peripheral PCO, fixation of the IOL was a highly signi
ficant factor affecting the formation and quantity of central PCO-the clini
cally significant opacity behind the IOL optic, measured in this series eit
her by scoring an intact retro-optical membrane or by documenting the prese
nce of a Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy orifice. The quantity of centra
l PCO was consistently much lower in eyes with in-the-bag fixated IOLs comp
ared with lenses with one or both haptics out of the bag. This is best expl
ained by the fact that secure in-the-bag fixation positions the IOL optic i
n the best possible position to create a barrier effect. The lowest PCO rat
es were generally noted with the acrylic and modern silicone IOL designs.