We provide the first species list of Araneae collected exclusively from Die
gan (Westman) coastal sage scrub (CSS). Specimens (n = 14,553) were collect
ed from pitfall trap and vacuum samples between June 1994 and May 1996 in s
ixty undisturbed coastal sage scrub plots in two regions of San Diego Count
y, California. From these, 185 species, representing 32 araneomorph and two
mygalomorph families, were separated; 160 were determined to species level
. Pitfall traps provided 139 species; vacuum samples provided 76 species; 3
0 species occurred in both pitfall and vacuum samples but occurrence predom
inated in one or the other type of sample. Fifteen additional species (34 a
dult specimens), including members of two additional mygalomorph families,
were collected either in samples from plots maintained and sampled after Ma
y 1996 or by hand between 29 May 1996 and 15 Jun 1998. Thirty-five species
are believed to be new records for San Diego County, California. Four speci
es are new records for California: Argiope blanda O. P.-Cambridge, Ceratice
lus phylax Ivie & Barrows, Opopaea bandina Chickering, and Theridion llano
Levi. Seven non-native species were among those collected in pitfall traps:
Metaltella simoni (Keyserling), Dysdera crocata C. L. Koch, Trachyzelotes
barbatus (L. Koch), Trachyzelotes lyonneti (Audouin), Urozelotes rusticus (
L. Koch), Zelotes nilicola O. P. Cambridge, and Oecobius annulipes Lucas. A
t least twenty of our 200 Diegan CSS species are believed to be undescribed